Sunday, December 17, 2006

Deck the Halls

I need help selecting which deck I should build. There are 4 choices, A, B, C, and D. The deck with the most votes (only vote once) will get built. Men, involve your wives. As much as I would like a man house, it is the women that ultimately decide how much a house is worth. Keep in mind that this deck will have a concrete patio underneath it. The 7 sided polygons are my 4' high rock retaining wall. The room on the left is the master bedroom and the room on the right is the dining room. The sunken patio has an entrance to the basement.


Anonymous said...

the wife and I both looked at it and said that it was not A or C. We felt that B or D would be best but were curious about predominant function you plan for the deck. If you want function go with B- If you want style go D. We both said D.

skiv and fefe

Capital P said...

I'm not getting a whole lot of opinions. I have an email saying to go with an altered version of Deck A, and a couple people that I work with have said Deck D. It's looking like deck D. I was going to go with deck C initially. My choice sucks, that's why I need your help! More votes please. You don't want to have to come over to my house when it's finished and sit on an ugly deck, do you?

Anonymous said...

I like Deck B. It gives you the combination of deck space and style.


Capital P said...

Deck D it is. The vote tally was
A - 4
B - 1
C - 0
D - 9